Last week, on 12 December, the Council of Australians
Governments (COAG) met in Adelaide. The meeting was path breaking for Indigenous
affairs policy insofar as it outlined a new approach to the establishment of
Closing the Gap (CTG) targets by governments at all levels.
The COAG Communique (link
here) said it best. COAG is:
to ensuring that the finalisation of targets and implementation of the Closing
the Gap framework occurs through a genuine, formal partnership between the
Commonwealth, state and territory governments and Indigenous Australians
through their representatives…
COAG issued a statement outlining a strengths based framework, which
prioritises intergenerational change and the aspirations and priorities of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across all Australian
communities. The finalisation of this framework and associated draft targets
will be agreed through a formal partnership.
and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives will share ownership
of, and responsibility for, a jointly agreed framework and targets and ongoing
monitoring of the Closing the Gap agenda. This will include an Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander-led three yearly comprehensive evaluation of the
framework and progress.
arrangements of the formal partnership between COAG and Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander representation will be settled by the end of February 2019, and
will include a Ministerial Council on Closing the Gap, with Ministers nominated
by jurisdictions and representation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples. The framework and draft targets will be finalised through this Council
by mid-2019, ahead of endorsement by COAG.
The establishment of a formal partnership is extremely
significant for three reasons.
First because
Closing the Gap represents an overarching policy process, truly national in
scope and focus, the proposed Partnership will provide a guaranteed mechanism
for the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in macro-level policy planning
processes at both national and state and territory levels. Second, because once established, this Partnership will likely
create an opportunity for Indigenous interests to influence other phases of the
policy development process, and thus represents a new avenue or pathway for
greater inclusion of Indigenous voices and perspectives in policy formulation.
Of course, the degree to which these opportunities are made
concrete will depend on the design parameters of the partnership (how often the
parties meet, how agendas are determined, etc.), and the relative bargaining strength
of the parties in undertaking the internal negotiations within the partnership.
One constraint which Indigenous interests will face is that COAG processes are
generally based on the achievement of consensus amongst governments, which
means that any differences of views between governments will limit the capacity
of Indigenous interests to prevail in persuading COAG members to take on board
indigenous views and perspectives. The inclusion of an evaluation function,
presumably led by the newly appointed Indigenous Commissioner on the
Productivity Commission will provide a welcome source of independent oversight
and scrutiny over the effectiveness of the CTG framework, and thus by
implication, of the Partnership’s effectiveness.
The third reason
the establishment of such a Partnership is important is that it will likely
lead to the creation of a new national ‘peak of peaks’ for the representation
of indigenous interests in engagement with the executive arms of governments at
national, state and territory levels. I see this as a positive development, as
it reflects the reality that policy development is increasingly complex and
Indigenous interests will only successfully engage with governments if they
utilise the research and advocacy expertise and resources available within the
various peak bodies. A potential downside which Indigenous interests will need
to consider and if necessary address is that the varying structures of peak
bodies may effectively filter out the direct experience and views of local and
regional communities. If this were to occur, it would likely flow through to
the policy formulation process.
COAG also released a related COAG Statement on the Closing the Gap Refresh (link
here). This document is in my view more problematic and begins to
suggest just how complex the CTG process may become. I recommend it be read in
full as I cannot summarise it adequately here in the space available.
The Statement begins with a recitation of previous COAG
decisions, including the proposed focus on a ‘strength based approach’. The Statement
then notes:
has now agreed draft targets for further consultation to ensure they align with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities’ priorities and
ambition as a basis for developing action plans.
The Statement then sets out sections on partnerships,
outlines a vision for the future, lists the Indigenous formulated community
priorities for the next ten years, and acknowledges the existence of what it
terms ‘cross system priorities’ which ‘require action across multiple targets’.
The core section for present purposes relates to ‘Refreshed
Targets’. The Statement notes (emphasis added):
The Commonwealth, states and
territories share accountability
for the refreshed Closing the Gap agenda and are jointly accountable outcomes
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. COAG commits to working
together to improve outcomes in every priority area of the Closing the Gap
refreshed Closing the Gap agenda will
commit to targets that all governments will be accountable to the community for
achieving. …
overall accountability for the framework is shared, different levels of
government will have lead responsibility for specific targets. The lead
jurisdiction is the level of government responsible for monitoring reports
against progress and initiating further action if that target is not on track,
including through relevant COAG bodies.
refreshed framework recognises that one level of government may have a greater
role in policy and program delivery in relation to a particular target while
another level of government may play a greater role in funding, legislative or
regulatory functions. Meeting specific
targets will require the collaborative efforts of the Commonwealth, states and
territories, regardless of which level of government has lead
responsibility. Commonwealth, state and
territory actions for each target will be set out in jurisdictional action
plans, and may vary between jurisdictions. COAG acknowledges that all
priority areas have interdependent social, economic and health determinants
that impact the achievement of outcomes and targets.
Through a co-design approach,
jurisdictional action plans will be developed in genuine partnership with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, setting out the progress that needs to
be made nationally and in each jurisdiction for the targets to be met. Action
plans will clearly specify what actions each level of government is accountable
for, inform jurisdictional trajectories for each target and establish how all
levels of government will work together and with communities, organisations and
other stakeholders to achieve the targets. Starting points, past trends and
local circumstances differ, so jurisdictions’ trajectories will vary and may
have different end-points…
My purpose in highlighting the text above in bold is to
shine a light on the likely complexity of the arrangements currently envisaged.
The greater the complexity, the more difficult it will be for governments to be
held accountable, and thus for an appropriate policy response to be developed.
The Statement goes on to list out 15 draft targets, seven
of which are Commonwealth-led and eight state-led. I don’t propose to undertake
a detailed analysis of the targets but merely note that the proposed Commonwealth-led
targets are overwhelmingly to be achieved by 2028. A detailed analysis would, inter alia, form a view as to the level
of inherent policy challenge in each target. To take one at random, aiming for
60 percent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged between 25-64
years to be employed by 2028 appears too soft. In effect, it means that we are
prepared to see 40 percent of the Indigenous work force unemployed after ten
years of policy focus.
A key issue embedded within the COAG approach, which was
perhaps implicit or nascent within the original 2008 CTG targets, relates to their
fundamental purpose. At one end of the spectrum, they might be conceptualised
as an incomplete selection of key indicators which taken together represent a
proxy indicator for overall performance in addressing deep disadvantage within the
Indigenous domain. At the other end of the spectrum, the targets can be
conceptualised as a comprehensive selection of the most important policy areas
requiring attention, and thus are accepted as the areas requiring prioritisation
by governments to the exclusion of other policy issues. While there is no
apparent acknowledgment of this issue in current policy documentation around
CTG, the current refresh appears to have shifted perceptibly towards the ‘comprehensive
list of priorities ‘ end of the spectrum, and this in turn raises important
questions regarding the approach of governments to those policy issues which
will not be included explicitly as targets. Accordingly, going forward, there
is a case for a much clearer articulation of the COAG approach in relation to
whether the targets are mere proxies, or a comprehensive listing of policy
I have
four specific suggestions to make regarding the proposed targets,
none of which appear to be reflected in the current draft.
First, the
targets need to explicitly list the current mainstream level or baseline for
each target and then propose a target level for Indigenous citizens. This
ensures a level of transparency in terms of the proposed targets, and makes
clear how ambitious the target is designed to be.
Second, the
targets (and the mainstream comparisons) need to be broken down into two
components: an urban and regional component and a remote/very remote component.
Only if this is done will the CTG arrangements be effective in driving policy
attention to those policy issues most in need of attention. Indeed, without
such an approach, it is likely that the CTG process will actually facilitate
and encourage policy aimed at ignoring remote citizens since the majority of
the targets will be able to be met by focussing mainstream programs on the four
fifths of the Indigenous population who reside in urban and regional Australia.
Urban and regional indigenous populations have legitimate needs, but it would
be a serious mistake to establish a CTG system that allowed targets to be ‘met’
while effectively ignoring the needs of remote citizens.
Third, each
target needs to be separately broken down by jurisdiction so that it is clear
what the current relevant mainstream, urban/regional and remote/very remote
data are in each jurisdiction.
Fourth, given
the imperative of designing a system which is both sophisticated, workable, and
not overly influenced by political positioning between the Commonwealth and the
states, I propose the Productivity Commission be tasked with developing a
second set of Draft Targets, which would then form the basis for co-design
discussions between Indigenous interests and COAG.
I see three enormous flaws that permeate the current CTG
Refresh proposals and targets.
The first serious flaw I see with the current proposals is
that the whole process will inevitably become bogged down in a complex and
incomprehensible array of separate reports from eight jurisdictions, with
differing formats, different action plans, and effectively no accountability.
The result will be an absence of effective political accountability since when
everyone shares responsibility and accountability, no jurisdiction will accept responsibility
for poor progress. While we live in a
federal system with shared responsibilities and the potential for differing
policy approaches, and under a constitution which provides for concurrent
powers on Indigenous issues between the Commonwealth and the states, in
political and policy terms, the Commonwealth is primus inter pares. The current proposals seek to avoid or fudge that
reality and instead reflect the current Government’s determination to shift as
much political and policy responsibility for Indigenous policy failure by
government to the states and territories. This is an abdication of the
Commonwealth’s longstanding role in Indigenous affairs, and is being undertaken
without any open and up-front discussion of the Government’s policy intentions.
A second fundamental problem with the current proposals is
that they do not address one of the core shortcomings of the original 2008 CTG
targets. Namely, there is no attempt to square the circle, and ensure that Governments
allocate adequate financial resources to meeting the identified targets.
A third and related flaw with the CTG process is that targets
are set which are partial and lack ambition. This then becomes a circular process,
where resources are not required because the targets are not ambitious. The inevitable
result is that the CTG process becomes more rhetorical than substantive
We need to acknowledge the reality: this is a strategy in
name only. It sets targets, it makes ‘commitments’, but it offers no guarantee
that the financial and other resources required for effective implementation
will be available. In fact, the emphasis on ‘sharing’ accountability with the
states and the territories just magnifies this issue, as it allows the national
government to lay blame for missed targets on the states and territories, and
shifts any arguments about lack of financial commitment to a lower jurisdiction.
If this were a serious strategy, COAG would allocate resources to implement
targets directed to entirely removing the relevant gaps in socials indicators,
and then decide what can be achieved with the available funds.
In my view, this refresh proposal is on a slow but
inevitable road to failure. It is fundamentally dishonest because it is presented
as a strategy for achieving a policy end (closing the gap) whereas it is
primarily a mechanism to persuade the Australian public that governments are
addressing issues of Indigenous disadvantage. This is poor policy because it
raises expectations amongst Indigenous interests that are ultimately bound to
be dashed, with unknown consequences for future social cohesion. In particular,
it seeks to ‘partner with’, and thus implicate Indigenous interests in a process
which is, on present indications, destined to fail. It suggests to the
community at large that governments are actively and effectively addressing the
challenges of Indigenous disadvantage when they are not, and it thus has the
effect of increasing complacency in the community at large as to the nature of
the challenges facing both Indigenous people and the nation as a whole (this
was one theme in my submission to the CTG refresh process, published
here). We deserve better from our governments.
I began by pointing to the positive developments inherent
in the formal partnership proposals for Indigenous interests. Indigenous peak
bodies have welcomed the new approach (link
here to NACCHO’s media release). The risk that NACCHO and the other
Indigenous peak bodies face is that in ten years’ time, the refreshed CTG
process will not have overcome the deep-seated and informal structural
exclusion of Indigenous interests in Australia and the consequential deep-seated
disadvantage that permeates many Indigenous lives. The Indigenous peaks will
need to step very carefully in terms of their engagement and ‘partnership’ with
Australia’s governments.
The CTG process has potential, it can be made to work with
the allocation of adequate financial and human resources by government, and
technically proficient design of the targets, but it can also be the complex
and extremely technical façade behind which governments hide as they pursue other
more pressing national priorities.
The most important contribution that Indigenous interests
can bring to the co-design of the CTG process is a two-fold insistence that
COAG and its constituent governments focus on the underlying systemic and structural
factors driving Indigenous disadvantage, and commit real financial and human
resources to the complete elimination of Indigenous disadvantage. A good first
step in fleshing out these fundamental pre-requisites would be for the Indigenous
peak bodies and COAG to agree to an upfront Productivity Commission review outlining
the scale of the challenge and the potential policy pathways which might be
chosen to go forward in devising an effective policy strategy to substantively
close the gap. Laying out such a policy baseline is the best strategy available
to reduce the current extreme risk of failure.
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